
Thank youDuring the process of building PMDA, I had the lucky to have some special people that I call friends around me. Without the help of these people, PMDA would not be the excellent tool it has become and I may not be where I am at now. Therefore, I would like to tank this people very much for their time, patience and support on this journey.

My wife, Lucia Pagotto for supporting me during all this time, feeding me with health food, managing the house, giving extra supports with our kids, for never complaining about the amount of hours I have been working and by perfectly understanding and respecting my routine of high productivity. I love you very much, you are the best wife I could ever had.

My mentor, friend, partner, brother, JeanPierre Paillet (JP) for the wisdom in guiding me though the entire journey of building PMDA. For giving me every right tip, in a perfect order, guiding me to the Holy Grail. For being my living library, explaining in detail anything I could not understand alone. For introducing and teaching me everything about the complex systems theory (something we share a passion today). For teaching me the value and importance of reading. For teaching me patience and resilience. For reviewing and editing numerous times my patent and any other content related to PMDA. Your guidance saved me at least 35 years of reading and studying. PMDA and the OWL NEST BLOG would not be the same without you my friend.

My friend, layer and patent attorney, Leonard Mancini for helping me writing the best possible patent. For always been available to help me protecting my IP. For guiding me through the extremely difficult process of applying for a patent. I would be much poorer and would not have the peace of mind of publishing this Blog without you.

To other friends for reviewing my long and complicated patent document, giving me important feedback in delivering a very cohesive and logical document and also for been available to listen, challenge and validate the PMDA approach from different stakeholder’s perspective:

The Top Quadrant People, in special Ralph Rodgson, Irene Polikoff and Holger Knublauch, for meeting me and trusting me with a free licence of their products during the time I could not afford such powerful Software Platform. For providing the best tools and technical support I ever had in my entire career in IT.

1 thought on “Acknowledgements

  1. Dear Guil

    I am quite happy for what you have accomplished. Your perseverance is commendable. I wish you all the very best!


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