The Parametric Model Driven Architecture (PMDA) Framework enables the modelling of the business lifecycles precisely by empowering Business Analysts and Business Modelers with workbenches used to model Business Usage Scenarios like the example below into Models using the Parametric Computation-Independent Modelling Language (PCIML).
Business Usage Scenario
Larry Snowden is a woodcarver. He produces small useful objects carved from roots and other complex-shaped pieces of timber. He has decided to try out the Art Exchange and sets out to “publish” some of his works there. He starts with a Wooden Owl.
He accesses the Art Exchange web site. The home page offers the options to log in or to join the Art Exchange as a new “Artist”.
He selects the New Artist option; this enables him to create his artistic profile and provide a User ID and Password. After submitting his details, he is prompted with registration confirmation.
After clicking OK he chooses the option Publish from the main menu. Before uploading a photo of his work, he is prompted to submit a number of tags to classify his work.
Given the special nature of his work, he finds that the available tags are insufficient, and he selects the Add Tag option to specify “root carving” as a new tag. The new entry is provisionally accepted, but he sees a message stating “This provisional tag will be reviewed by the curator. If needed, alternative suggestions will be communicated to you”. (This editing mechanism is in place to guard against proliferation of redundant tags).
Having classified his new offering, Larry is invited to upload the photo (which must meet size and resolution specifications); he receives an upload confirmation response and also can see the work as part of his portfolio.
Now Larry has privileged access to the record of his offering. He will be able to monitor who views it, comments made on it, and eventually offers of purchase or requests for quotation.
This provision gives Larry confidence that he remains in control of his works as published on the Art Exchange.
The above Business Scenario is partially defined in the model in Figure 1 using PCIML.
Model using the
Parametric Computation-Independent Modelling Language (PCIML)

With the models ready, the Framework then enables the Business Analysts and Modelers the:
- Extraction of reports in different formats
- Business Requirements Document,
- Functional Specifications,
- Request for Tender (RFT)
- Execution of automated consistency checking
- Business activity simulation (which does not require programming knowledge)
- Generation of data schemas, rules and data repository models used for
- Prototyping,
- Usability,
- Data migration tests
For more details on the full model definition see the post Business Capability Definition using PCIML